
How to prevent animal break-ins

No matter if you live in the countryside or in the city, animals sometimes simply want to break into your home. Perhaps they want to enjoy some of the food you left on display, or maybe they just want to know what a home feels like. This especially happens during the colder months of the year. Our homes are ideal for them in these times since we keep them so warm and comfortable. Although they might look cute, you definitely want to do everything you can to prevent animal break-ins. Luckily, there is a public insurance adjuster South Florida which can help you loads if the unfortunate event happens. But before that, here are some simple steps you can take to stop animals from invading your home.

6 simple steps to prevent animal break-ins in your home

Checking the exterior of your house

One simple mind adjustment which will help you is to think of yourself as a defender of your home. While you defend it, animals will inevitably try to invade it at some point. If you want to avoid this, start with checking the condition of your home’s exterior.

Mice don’t need a lot of space to break in

Firstly, you should walk around the perimeter of your home and check everything. Specifically, look for any cracks or holes in the walls, or anything similar which animals can see as an entryway. Keep in mind that these do not have to be large. Namely, mice, for example, are very tiny and don’t need a lot of space to infiltrate your home. Therefore, doing a thorough search will give you a good insight into what you’re dealing with.

Double checking all your windows and doors

After giving the exterior of your home a check, it’s good to do the same to your doors and windows. To begin with, you should make sure you aren’t losing any heat from your doors and windows. Afterward, check for cracks or holes around them. Since holes are a perfect way for animals to break in, you should pay extra attention to this.

In order to prevent animal break-ins through windows and doors, you will want to have screens on them. However, if they already do, make certain that there aren’t any rips, holes, and similar damages on your screens. In case an animal breaks in through these extra protective screens, keep in mind that you can file for a vandalism insurance claim. Still, it’s best if you try your best to prevent this from happening since it can cause too much havoc.

Check all your vents

Nowadays, even animals know that every house has air vents which allow air to travel to and from the house. Usually, these vents are in your kitchen above the stove. They can also be where you keep your dryer or even on the roof. However, don’t panic and block these vents in order to prevent animal break-ins. They are very important when it comes to letting the air out of your home.

On the other hand, you also don’t want them to be completely open wide holes. In this instance, they would be the easiest entryway for animals who are curious about what goods you keep. What you should do is to place screens around these as well. In this way, you will allow air to still be able to travel, but animals won’t be able to break in.

Check your attic

Checking your attic is one of the most important steps if you want to prevent animal break-ins. Namely, it is the perfect spot for bats, squirrels, and raccoons who want a secret hideout. Not only are attics usually somewhat warm, but they are also very dark and very cozy. Unless there is a huge hole which is very obvious, you probably won’t be able to spot damages from outside.

overview of an attic
Attics are perfect hideout spots for small animals

Therefore, the best way to check out your attic is to go there and do a direct inspection. Again, make note of all holes and cracks you find so that you can plug them up later. In this way, you will prevent animals from ever making a home in your attic.

Keep an eye on the plants close to your door

Unfortunately, doorways are the most vulnerable spots for animals to break into your home. This is because you open them very frequently during a regular day. Sometimes, animals will hide in the plants and bushes close to your door and wait for their chance to get in. If you want to prevent such unpleasant events from happening, it’s good to remove all plants close to your door.

animal in bush - prevent animal break-ins
Check the bushes in front of your doors!

Otherwise, you will probably have to file for one of homeowners insurance claims. In order to avoid having to go through this process, pay attention to your plants and bushes. Ideally, you want to keep them at least one or two feet away from your doorways. In doing this, you will have a clear line of sight to your entryway. Also, this will help keep animals at bay since it will make it harder for them to infiltrate.

Remain vigilant at all times

It is really important to be vigilant at all times and regularly check for any new damages to your home. Specifically, when the temperatures rise or fall, cracks and holes are more likely to appear in your walls. Therefore, make sure you regularly inspect your home and check for any new damages. In this way, you will be able to ensure that all break in possibilities are sealed up tight.

Ultimately, animals will always try to find ways to get into your home all year long. Therefore, if you want to prevent animal break-ins, it’s crucial that you stay on top of things. The main thing which will help keep them out of your home is your own awareness!

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